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【訴訟】Amazon $13.5Million(約13.5億円)の示談

【訴訟】Amazon $13.5Million(約13.5億円)の示談



$13.5M Deal Ends Amazon Wage MDL That Went To High Court

A Kentucky federal judge granted final approval Thursday to a $13.5 million settlement resolving multidistrict claims that over 42,000 Amazon.com warehouse workers weren't compensated for time spent in mandatory security checks, ending an 11-year fight that made its way to the U.S. Supreme Court.


▼関連動画 Jeff Bezosは宇宙旅行につれていってくれて従業員と顧客に感謝。

Bezos To Amazon Customers, Employees: ‘You Guys Paid For’ Space Trip


#Bezos #Amazon #BlueOrigin